A year of battles from all angles
Fast forwarding years into my life... This year was met with all sorts of complications starting with my emotional rollercoaster of left over hormones from previous life decisions, a high risk pregnancy that was first met with resentment and then followed with a possible genetic disorder transferred from yours truly, an inexplicable bleeding scare, a hospitalization, gestational diabetes, high birth weight, scheduled cesarean and a 9.7lbs jaundice baby.. enter Oliver. Not to mention the pandemic and recession and civil riots that put everyone of those racists in the spot light. A year of battles from all angles. As 2020 comes to an end I find myself with an 8 year old struggling to find a balance with adhd , doing better over all in school thanks to an iep and still being forced to partially medicate against my better judgment.. and me helpless with a newborn struggling to find balance too as a ( hopefully again soon to be ) working mom (more on that later). Betw...