baby steps (#3)

ohh you bloggerz...

hooked on the revolution

well here is the latest E news:
just got home from the trip went to pick up that mean old bunny of ours
and im gonna rest today, i think i popped my shoulder or somthing, that snow did quite a number on me
i had a great time though
i hope to see more of you guys next time
and yes meele we will hit the beaches this summer and we will party
sand castles and all

anyway i think im way to exhausted from the ride home to think of a good thing to write about but i will try again another day

for those of you in the same job boat as i keep your heads up
it gets kinda over whelming at times and
it might even crush your spirits but you gotta remember you have what it takes and sooner or later you'll be able to prove it to the world
patients is the key here along with a lot of hard work.
take it one step at a time

those are my words of inspiration for today
peace out cub to begin my healing process :D


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