On A MONday...
I think I'll start you off with something to watch:
so i got a twitter account, for self promotion/ studio following purposes..don't worry I wont be writing stuff like "Just watch its always sunny l.o.l , now I'm getting up from the couch to make a sandwich l.o.l" :D
that's what we have blogs for hah!
but seriously its actually pretty good for keeping yourself up to date with the animation world and with all the new programs coming in THAT'S a MUST.
I keep hearing that we need to have networks of communication in order to succeed in the animation field S O .. that's me staying in the loop of things.
who knows when Seth MacFarlane or in all respects, Walt Disney himself... will call you up and be like "YO I SAW YOU ON TWITTER! WORK FOR US!" lol... not likely but still.
At least you'll know if they ARE looking for animators.
I think the more you spit your name out there the more chances you have of being discovered/ hired, opportunities await. I wont stop until I see my name up in lights :D or at least at the end of some credits.
anyway, back to work :D
I think I'll start you off with something to watch:
so i got a twitter account, for self promotion/ studio following purposes..don't worry I wont be writing stuff like "Just watch its always sunny l.o.l , now I'm getting up from the couch to make a sandwich l.o.l" :D
that's what we have blogs for hah!
but seriously its actually pretty good for keeping yourself up to date with the animation world and with all the new programs coming in THAT'S a MUST.
I keep hearing that we need to have networks of communication in order to succeed in the animation field S O .. that's me staying in the loop of things.
who knows when Seth MacFarlane or in all respects, Walt Disney himself... will call you up and be like "YO I SAW YOU ON TWITTER! WORK FOR US!" lol... not likely but still.
At least you'll know if they ARE looking for animators.
I think the more you spit your name out there the more chances you have of being discovered/ hired, opportunities await. I wont stop until I see my name up in lights :D or at least at the end of some credits.
anyway, back to work :D
That's a good idea! I have a twitter. I made the account, and havent returned in a year. No idea what email I used...what my password is. lol. I use FB for Blazer Show and eventually gotta get up on getting BS Twitter. Keep up the networking, hope all is well!