A journey Through the Minds

a video. and wer all gunna submit stuff to it and it will be kind of like an introduction to our inspiration a documentary...like we show in sections our work and bits and peices of who we are, maybe we do writing on the side so then we can have someone read somthing while we show animated art work or we do photographs of good times or whatever and we use different fx to fuse it all together
and then maybe filmfest
i call it my brainstorm before the storm:

the walls are black and the lines fade in and out of their shadows
bursts of color fade in and out
focused on nothing and everything all at once
like looking through clouds and water
everything is slightly moving some quicker than others
the colors make their way across but disappear and fade into black and white
the images are of other works featured
we hear 'SAIL'
but only in the distance
we hear laughter and screams
but only rarely and all in whispers...note to self- im gonna need a good edit team...
flickering images
video and photograph too
lighting is dim and like an old film
except when the photos are shown


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