id like to write a novel at one point in my life, because sometimes to be read on paper is easier than to be explained in person...lies..

i have years of thoughts and experiences that have brought me to believe i could have something interesting to share with the world...lies...

i may not be as old as the wise but i carry with me the same complex world within my mind...lies...
after all we are all after the same things...

with perfection you find flaws to keep you unsatisfied always
this comes natural for we are only man
i take this rainy day to think of what exactly id like from my life
locating the bit of sanity thats left
somewhere in there i know ive made sense at least once in my life, do we connect to people out of chance or is it already written out for us
and if so can we change the paths that have been decided for us
everyone's asking the same thing but are we getting the same answers?


like you once said to me, its the journey that matters... no outcome is ever certain other than death...and even then we know nothing about the subject to be so sure

we philosophize in search of answers and questions to keep our minds interested in living and yet we fear the possibilities behind thought

what if

in this world we find we are no one and existence is nothing and therefore there is no one and we are alone in our own minds

the cycle of fear produces solutions, usually we are taught that what we fear we can over come
we are fed lies that keep us motivated and strong so as not to limit ourselves from being whatever it is we want to be


i start this ramble so as to explain myself through out
because no one can fully read a person on paper rather they are catching a glimpse of the soul speaking out of body..if that..

when we allow our minds free they surprise us

same goes with not making sense of anything and finding the answer you were looking for

everything happens for a reason

by experience and failure ive come to find my own theories to be truer ...

that life teaches you lessons through every aspect
and good or bad are all lessons and people and ourselves are all teachers
and we all have the ability to see and learn but no one is perfect and sometimes we need to make the mistakes that others warn us about in order to take control of our lives again
even if we know its a mistake at least we made the decisions to make that mistake
despite the sacrifices and the consequences behind our actions

like double checking a check list that's been checked off since forever

the release from being whats expected of you
rebels destroyers and secrets

in a sense we all have to just run away sometimes
a mere escape from reality
just to remind ourselves that we are still here and alive
and that all that stress and sorrow isnt worth the time
a reminder of whats all around us every day
things we over see and under appreciate just because we're too busy or too blind
whats important is that you do take that time to see
take it to remember who you are and where your path originated
ive set goals for myself and through life ive clouded the guide and lost sight
and like a dark tunnel with hope and desire and mystery and chance i made it back to where i left off

same old tale

like being lost in the woods because you decided to take a short cut so that you could taste the sweet berries along the path...

the more scenic route you called it, and to your not-so-surprise you were just walking around in circles pretending you knew exactly where you were and you created a path in your head and began to believe it was actually there

and then a tree branch snaps and you realize .. you've only just been staring at the tree tops and the ground beneath you reveals in itself and you walk back to the path because this fantasy was all in your head, and within it you might have found parts of the real path which made it seem you were continuing along but the real path doesn't ever have that scenic route it has nothing but the steps you lay down before you
there never is a short cut through life's journey and you always knew you just didnt want to know, if only for a moment


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