on a tuesday...
finding our smiles and laughter and fear erasing our memories of any fallen tears
believing in the future of promise again taking chances and bold steps toward
leaving behind shadows that hurt you and following in the light of those you loved
we cant always see the path before us and we cant always be prepared for the sudden stops but we can continue and breath in hope day by day
and we can hope to accomplish something worth remembering something worth doing in life
and we cant allow ourselves to scare ourselves into a dark corner of fear
for we cant provide the flame on a damp surface
we wipe away our sorrow and take in the strength to survive this
and like an ocean of many we let them into our souls to wash away any ashes left behind
and with this motion we set forth a journey of new beginnings and hope one more time that we will find our way and leave these insecurities in the past
let this uncertainty and forced enlightenment bring you peace so that you too can forgive yourself and one day move on
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