what are you trying to say to me?... you know if you were lassie everyone would die.

here are some IF's and WHAT's about it:

what if somewhere in the world there is a person who looks just like you but acts completely different.. an evil twin perhaps?

what if aliens didnt want to land on our planet cuz of all the experiments we would do on them and the violence and pollution found on earth...

what if we all had to evacuate the planet and because of our corrupt nature, the only way to be saved was to pay a lot of money ...would the rich help out the poor?

if you where stranded in the amazon alone without your precious technological advances and luxuries such as clean water and ipods... would you survive? honestly?

if every celebrity in the world donated a third of their earnings to a REAL organization,
could they make a difference in the world...the real question is would they?

how far fetched is this statement:
"frogs have a variety of sounds due to the many species, but what if the only one you knew about was the croaking because thats what they have near Hollywood?"-j
what about what they sell to you on tv? diets,riches,luxuries,surgeries,money,materialism,shallowness.

if poor families are rapidly becoming obese because they cant afford to eat healthy/organic foods; is the dollar menu Mcdonal's way of solving world hunger?


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