...Through the eyes of stars...

Its like looking back from the depths of our reflection in calm waters;
flipped of every image and shielded from its true self.

The sky filled with uncountable stars, all watching.
the stillness of each one dancing in our eyes, yet fading if ever stared at for too long.

never judging or pointing fingers, just watching over in silence.
As the planet continues to whisper in its busy life, ignoring the universe.

only the moon and the sun whisper back.

They hear only what the earth tells each night.
the secrets, the prayers, the subtle laughter and cries, and the dreams that pour out from each one of us.
And being only noticed when the lights of the people dim out.

the moon collecting glances while illuminating the way in her brother's absence.
while the night is calling for adventure and giving life to the flame.

As the fire burns, it sends a smoke of thoughts up to the stars.

we gaze into the glowing light as it pulls us into the deep corners of our minds,
where the stars hear our souls and the desires of our hearts.

through dreams, the stars show us a glimpse of the universe.
every night connecting our souls to them.

as one, we bond the night and create life and death,
when we find ourselves staring at stars.

They shine in the eyes of those who glare and dance in the darkness like glitter scattered all throughout the sky. they fill you with the warmth and happiness that had been misplaced as smiles grow across your faces.

A dreary night masking the shimmer of stars in a cloudy blanket, yet we know they're still there watching us every night; always listening and feeling the youthful hearts of their gazers.

the night sings the songs of many; a humble orchestra gently glowing together.
As does nature, the wind with all of its collected, carries on.


  1. * On my list to-do has been to write a book for the longest time ever and so this is me, from the beginning *


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